Quantified insight from Narratives in Depression forums.
(Maps viewable on desktop only)
To understand how narrative patterns reflect the journey of those suffering from depression, Phrasia analysed 12 years of posts
(Jan 2008 to May 2020) on public depression forums. 15,829 anonymous posts were parsed by our deep learning tools into 29 narrative clusters.
An interactive map of the posts is shown below.
Move the slider at the lower right of the map to see how the detailed narratives fit within four higher level themes. (Please allow up to
120 seconds for the map to load.)
Revealing patterns in the data - what is changing?
Move slider to see detailed view
Move the slider on the lower right of the above map to see the detailed sub-narratives. Tracking them over time revealed:
Highest period of forum engagement in the recorded 12-year history in latest period
Steady increase of isolation narratives over time: (unworthy/alone; social isolation; relationship rejection)
By contrast, a decline in treatment related narratives: (getting treatment; treatment/therapy; therapist/HCP)
A steady, relentless increase in isolation related narratives
Therapy mentions are declining over the same period