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Global WFH study: What people wish


The below example shows views from over 20 countries on the wishes people shared, related to WFH.  Hover your cursor over the dots in the map to learn more. (Desktop only)

Reading the map: the key patterns


Center:  A desire for contact, connection, and quality interaction

Upper left:  Wishes realated to the practicalities related to the use of time, space, and equipment

Upper right:  A need for clearer policies and definitions of how WFH will work.  

Mid to Lower right:  The desire for a re-set in our collective perspective as a result of the pandemic.  The hope that wise, healthy choices and sustainable can result from what we have learned.   




A call for WFH 2.0


Now that the initial move to WFH has been completed, people are wanting to get out of reaction mode.  They want to settle into a new norm within which working from home is routine, accepted, and sustainable.  That will require rules, policies, and ways of working that are well suited to WFH - not merely a re-hash of the work-from-office approaches by Zoom.  This presents an essential design challenge, and an opportunity to involve staff in the co-creation of this new normal.


A wider wish for collective mindfulness


One of the interesting learnings from asking "I wish" questions is that peole take a breath to consider the wider issues - not only the most pressing immediate needs.  Clusters such as 'informed employer choices', 'sustainable work', and 'perspective re-set' indicate a clear call for society, institutions, and individuals to take stock of the lessons we are learning from the COVID-19 WFH experience.


Patterns such as this would be extremely hard to identify with any methodology other than open ended questions interpreted at scale through our deep learning approach.


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